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CIRMS Needs Report

Identifying Needs in ionizing radiation science and technology

A.11 Radionuclides for Imaging





The short half-lived (about 6 hours) isotope, technetium-99m, is used in over 20 million medical diagnostic procedures every year. These range from bone scans in which scintillation counters can depict the image of bone structures through other body internal uses, such as functioning cardiac and brain imaging. Technetium-99m (a meta-stable isotope) is derived from molybdenum-99, which, as noted in the first Policy Consideration above, is now in a critical short supply. Historically, molybdenum-99 has been produced as a by-product from certain nuclear reactors, now being shut-down. At the US Department of Energy conference on “Accelerators for America’s Future,” held in Washington, DC, in October 2009, it was shown that molybdenum-99 could also be produced using a variation of existing cyclotron technology. This approach would eliminate the US presumed need to construct nuclear facilities for the express purpose of producing molybdenum-99. Such nuclear facilities would be costly and require years of planning, permitting and environmental impact studies.